We as a world need to come together to provide health & education to all children, and adults, so that we can insure a better future for our children. We live today, in a world of war and terror. For many children, today’s world is all that is known. If we educate our children of today along with keeping them healthy and fit, we will help to create a more peaceful and healthy world for their children. The healthy and educated have opportunity. Public Health & Education frees people. It provides opportunity. It can and will change our world. United Association for Public Health & Education (UAPHE) was started with a motto of “Aude Sapere” i.e. being “Dare to be Wise” is an example of such an effort from team of experts constituting public health professionals from various medical backgrounds, teachers and communication specialist to reach out for effective intervention for diseases and maintain health for all. UAPHE works to spread awareness of health and hygiene in the society. Such expertise with substantive experience is intended to address society at various levels to spread awareness about health & hygiene and to add to it the importance of education. The primary objective of this organization is to improve public health and attain health for all status along with spreading the importance of education.
About Us
Health & Education for All, All for health & Education i.e. to make a reality for all.
To promote health and prevent disease and illness through commitment to education and training, excellence in research, use of appropriate technology, capacity building and devotion to public health practice.To promote health and prevent disease and illness through commitment to education and training, excellence in research, use of appropriate technology, capacity building and devotion to public health practice.
Core Values
- Protecting people against threats to health and safety.
- Creating supportive environment to improve the quality of life, with special emphasis on children, the elderly, and other vulnerable populations.
- Capacity building of people and communities in making healthy choices about living.
- Focusing attention on health services, with special emphasis on assessment, access, and policy development.
- Fostering superior, cost-effective health care services.
- Promoting excellence in education and research in public health and associated disciplines.